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Summer Service

Summer eService-Learning opportunity

The mission of the Latino Racial Justice Circle is to educate and inspire people of all faith traditions. Working together, we will recognize and then act to eliminate systemic racial injustice and everyday incidents of bias and discrimination toward the Latino community. The Circle is committed to healing the wounds of racism by seeking to understand and respect one another. The Circle also strives to change human behavior that we might change the human heart.

The Service-Learner would be focusing on collecting and publishing on social media information about services to immigrants in Baltimore and about immigration policy, as well as participate in the monthly (online) meetings of the group. The ideal candidate possesses a basic knowledge of web design to assist in the facilitation of The LRJC's new constructed website and also be bilingual in Spanish. The estimated time commitment for this service placement is 30 hours for the Summer semester and potential to continue with service-learning placement in the Fall semester.

Interested applicants should send a resume and writing sample to valencia.gc@gmail.com and elgrose1@umbc.edu

Posted: June 26, 2020, 5:02 PM