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Modified & FINAL "Goodnight Sarge," TUES., 2/27, 5-6:30 pm


There will be modified "Goodnight Sarge" hours tomorrow, Tuesday, February 27th, 5-6:30 pm) to learn more about some of community sites that are still in need of support.
The Shriver Center is located on the first floor of the Public Policy Building, just past the elevators. KNOCK LOUDLY!

The Shriver Center is seeking UMBC students interested in working with Youth in the Baltimore Metro Area! We have spaces available for Spring 2018 with some great after school programs as well as a College Prep program! 

1.  The Y of Central Maryland's College Gardens Youth Program: Wednesday or Thursday from 2:45-5:30.  

2.  Walden Circle After School Program: M, Tu, Wed, Th or Fri 2:30-6:30

3.  Path Before Me:  
Tues 230-430 
Wed 2:30-430
Thurs 10-12:30

4.  Arbutus Achievers - Tuesdays AND Thursdays, 2:15-4pm (BOTH Days preferred). 

Transportation is provided to all sites!

To learn more about these sites, you can find them on the Spring Service-Learning Chart, at https://umbc.box.com/s/kke3irmiwkngmmx1pd46t6xk6brtvyjh


If this timing doesn't work for you, please call our main number, (410) 455-2493, M-F, 8:30am-5pm to set up a time to meet with a Service-Learning Team member. We seek to finish our Spring Recruitment by Thursday, March 1st.  

Posted: February 26, 2018, 4:42 PM