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Awards Nominations & Workshop Proposals due Monday, 2/6!

Be the Spark for Action!

The Maryland-DC Campus Compact hosts the 10th Annual Service-Learning & Civic Engagement (SLCE) Conference on Saturday, April 1, 2017 at Towson University. This year’s theme is Be the Spark for Action

There are two ways to recognize the outstanding impact of students, faculty, staff and community partners to service-learning and civic-engagement in higher education: 

1.  Workshop Proposals 

We are looking for excited and passionate individuals who are doing service-learning and civic engagement work in their communities and classes! Both workshops and poster proposals can be submitted. There are opportunities for everyone to get involved, interact, and brainstorm ways to develop more robust service-learning and civic engagement programs at every level throughout our communities.


You can choose to frame your proposal around one of the three main themes and issues we are focusing on for SLCE 2017. These include: Community Partnerships, Social Change Leadership & Advocacy, and Civic & Community Engagement.


You can find more information on how to apply and the requirements of the workshops on the application form.


Proposals are due Monday, February 6, 2017 at 11:55pm.


2.  Service Awards

Award nominations for Students (undergraduate and graduate), Staff, Faculty, and Community Partners are also due Monday, February 6, 2017. For more information on award criteria and how to submit a nomination, refer to the attached document for the or click here. For questions regarding the awards, please contact slcenominations@gmail.

Award nominations will also close at 11:55 pm. 

For more information on SLCE history, go to

Posted: February 3, 2017, 5:14 PM