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Support Local Schools during Finals Week (12/16-12/19)

Share your passion for learning with others

A few local schools seek extra help during the week of finals to bring UMBC students' passion about learning and science to the classroom of some elementary and middle school students.   Consider the unique opportunities below. 


The Thursday, 12/12 Game Day at Lakeland Elementary Middle School was cancelled.  However, extra help is needed the following week, Monday, Dec. 16th-Thursday, 12/19, 3:00-6:00pm for the UMBC STEM Initiative (USI) at Lakeland Elementary Middle School.  This is a partnership with the Sherman STEM Scholars Program to support out-of-school activities for 1st-4th graders.   Lakeland  is about 15 minutes from campus in South Baltimore.  UMBC students can volunteer for one day or the full four days.  The goal for this week is to build a satellite, supported by educational curriculum from NASA's BEST (http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/best/).

If you are interested, email Lori Hardesty at lhardesty@umbc.edu.  Transportation may be provided.  

OPTION #2 (From Ben Davis, a former Shriver Floor member and France & Merrick Fellow)

Hello All,

My name is Ben Davis, class of 2010 from UMBC and a Sherman Scholar. I am currently teaching 6th grade science at KIPP Middle school in Baltimore City. This past semester my students have been learning about the human body and their respective body systems. As their cumulative final, they will be performing a comparative anatomy dissection of a dogfish shark. I am seeking dedicated volunteers to assist the students with safety, dissection skills. and content based knowledge of anatomy and physiology. The dissection will take place on 12/19/2013 from 8am to 11am and/or 2:30-3:45pm.

Please email me at bdavis4@umbc.edu if you are interested.

Posted: December 9, 2013, 4:20 PM