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US Census Bureau Symposium

Statistics for Everyone!

The U.S. Census Bureau cordially invites you to the U.S. Federal Statistical Agencies Fall Outreach Symposium.  The symposium will feature sessions on Statistics for Journalists and Statistics in the New Media Era.  We believe it will be a great opportunity for your students to learn about the extensive statistics from the federal government.  These statistics are widely used by communications professionals in journalism and public relations.  Presenters will discuss the official statistics produced by their agencies:
November 14, 10:00 to 12:00: Statistics for Journalists, Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center
Journalism students and reporters from broadcast, print and online media outlets will find this session helpful to their understanding of lesser-known federal statistical agencies, official statistics produced by these agencies, and how they can access and use official statistics, studies and analyses in their reporting. Presenters will include representatives of the Economic Research Service, National Center for Education Statistics, Bureau of Justice Statistics, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, and National Center for Health Statistics.

November 14, 1:00 to 3:00: Statistics in the New Media Era, Bureau of Labor Statistics Conference Center

This two-hour session focuses on digital and new media; in particular on some of the new media covered in the President’s Digital Strategy such as API’s, apps, infographics and other data visualizations.  Agencies will share examples of how they are adapting new technology and how this helped them give the public easier access to data.

There is no registration fee for the symposium. However, advance registration is required to ensure access to the BLS Conference Center. A detailed list of ALL presentations can be found in the attachment included on this news post.

To register, send an email to Wendy Martinez at martinez.wendy@bls.gov with “Symposium” in the subject line and include the attendees full name, a list of the session(s) attendee plans to attend, and any special needs, e.g., handicap access. For more information, see the press release.

Posted: November 2, 2013, 10:53 PM