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Intern of the Week: Chase Lawson at the United States GPO

Learn more about Chase's summer experience

Chase Lawson

Student Intern-Archiving & Library Assistant at the United States Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C.

Major: Political Science

Briefly describe your internship, including your day-to-day tasks and responsibilities.

My work at the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) has been with Library Services and Content Management & Library Technical Information Services(LSCM & LTIS).  I work on a daily basis to catalog government documents that are currently not available via the internet and further enhance public access by adding the Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Federal Court Rulings, among others, to FDsys (GPO's Federal Digital System). I also worked on implementing further automation and technology to the Depository Distribution Division in support of the Federal Depository Library Program immense feat of shipping thousands of publications, worldwide.

What have you enjoyed the most about your position or organization/company and what have you found most challenging?

I enjoyed the vast amount of responsibility I was given to work in support of the Federal Digital System and add to its expansive database. The most challenging part of my job is locating lost or undocumented government publications via web & internal databases. It is truly like detective work and can be very tedious and time-consuming.

What have you gained from your experience that you could not have gained from another summer activity?

I have gained knowledge on administering large web-databases and the logistics behind running such a marvel of modern technology. I have also associated with a very large and diverse group of civil servants and contractors at GPO. Additionally, I established a firm and reliable work ethic. My day begins at 4:45 A.M. and I don’t return home for almost 13 hours later.

How do you see your summer work as meaningful? Has it given you a chance to work on issues or with communities that matter to you?

I worked on meaningful projects that not only keep America informed, but provide knowledge and ultimately power to the American people. This internship has certainly given me a chance to not only personally benefit, but also help the American public do so.

How has your summer experience shaped the way you think about your power to impact the world?

I believe in Democracy and knowledge is power. I helped empower the general public by providing a more transparent view of the government and its functions. As our society continues to transition into the digital age, GPO will be on par and committed to providing access to information, in a hi-tech and advanced manner.

Posted: October 1, 2012, 3:01 PM