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Interested in Global Child Welfare? NEW Internship

Intern at the International Social Service - USA Branch

Research and Training Development Internships Available at the Intern at the International Social Service - USA Branch.

Internships posted on UMBCworks, search keyword "Intern at the International Social Service - USA Branch."
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Interns would research global child welfare issues for grants, publications and advocacy initiatives. Interns in training development would include learning how to develop a variety of training media and approaches for legal and social service providers who deal with children who have international child protection and welfare cases. Majors would include: sociology, international relations, anthropology, pre-law, social work, political science, and even language studies. There are also opportunities for folks to learn about non-profit management and development. We are often preparing grants and because of our small size there are plenty of opportunities to work directly with our Executive Director on a variety of things. We are just beginning an initiative in Latin America which could be a great learning opportunity for students.

Posted: September 9, 2012, 10:28 PM