
Are you a #UMBCIntern? Share your PHOTOS from the summer!

Announcing 1st Twitter Photo Contest w/ Prizes. Rules Below.

Are you away from UMBC this summer? Do you want to share how you are spending your experience with the greater UMBC community?  Using the hashtag #UMBCIntern, share your best photos with us...

Posted: July 8, 2013, 8:39 AM

Paid Museum Internship at the Greenbelt Museum

July 15th Deadline to Apply

The Dorothy Sucher Memorial Internship is awarded annually to an outstanding college-level or graduate student interested in supporting the work of the Greenbelt Museum. The internship was...

Posted: June 30, 2013, 7:04 AM

Awesome Fall Internship at the Smithsonian!

Work at the National Museum of American History & GET PAID!

James Lollar Hagan Internship Smithsonian National Museum of American History (NMAH) PROJECT TITLE: Broadening Access: Women’s History Resources at NMAH PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The James Lollar...

Posted: June 28, 2013, 8:49 AM

Fall Internships at Wolf Trap

Apply Today! Application Deadline is next week!

Experience the Arts with a Fall Internship at Wolf Trap Applications for Fall 2013 are due July 1. Apply now!   Wolf Trap Foundation's Internship Program provides project-based training and...

Posted: June 28, 2013, 8:40 AM

Great Fall Internships with the Urban Resources Initiative

Many opportunities for all majors-apply by 7/15 for priority

Urban Resources Initiative Internships for Fall 2013 URI is a partnership of the Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks, the Parks & People Foundation, and area universities and...

Posted: June 24, 2013, 12:15 PM

US Dept. of ED Now Accepting Seeks Fall Interns

July 15th Deadline

The U.S. Department of Education is currently seeking applicants for Fall 2013 internships. As you may know, this program has been developed for students to gain practical training and hands-on...

Posted: June 22, 2013, 5:58 AM

Come join us as the Fall 2013 Social Media Intern

The Shriver Center~Stay connected with us!

Did you know? The Shriver Center is on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn! Stay up-to-date with everything we have to offer by following us on any (or all) of these platforms.  Are you interested...

Posted: June 19, 2013, 9:01 AM

NEW Summer Cyber Internships Downtown

2 Great Internships at Cyberpoint International

CyberPoint International is seeking highly motivated students who are interested in a technical summer internships. We will consider candidates who are majoring in Computer Science, Computer...

Posted: June 13, 2013, 4:10 PM