
Student Diversity Visit to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg...

Full Title: Student Diversity Visit to Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Join the Shriver Center as we go On the Road to visit the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health....

Posted: March 10, 2010, 5:07 PM

Summer Internships With MedImmune

MedImmune, headquartered in Gaithersburg, MD, is seeking a number interns majoring in Life Sciences and Chemical/Biochemical Engineering for Summer positions. Those who join MedImmune feel a...

Posted: March 10, 2010, 4:20 PM

Last Chance to Register Before It Fills!

Registration is filling fast amongst the State of Maryland! We want to make sure that UMBC students have the chance to sign up! On Saturday, April 10th, the 3rd Annual Service-Learning and Civic...

Posted: March 8, 2010, 6:40 AM

Legg Mason Seeks PAID Technical Interns for the Summer.

If interested, apply via UMBCworks under Internships via The Shriver Center Title: Internship - Summer 2010 Department: Legg Mason Capital Management Location: Baltimore, MD Legg Mason Capital...

Posted: March 7, 2010, 10:41 PM

Legg Mason Seeks PAID Technical Interns for the Summer.

If interested, apply via UMBCworks under Internships via The Shriver Center- 9238465 If you do not have a resume approved to search for intern positions via the Shriver Center, visit...

Posted: March 7, 2010, 10:41 PM

McCarl Dental Group Seeks Interns- Marketing Research,...

Full Title: McCarl Dental Group seeks interns- marketing research, database development, etc As an intern at McCarl Dental Group, a student would be able to select from a wide range of projects....

Posted: March 7, 2010, 1:32 PM

Summer Research in Bioengineering at St. Louis University

The National Science Foundation has funded an REU in Bioengineering at Saint Louis University, BE@SLU. The goal of the program is to garner excitement about bioengineering through research early...

Posted: March 3, 2010, 2:59 PM